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Maternity Unit

To be born at the Hospital Particular do Algarve

The Maternity Unit at the HPA has to offer excellent physical and human conditions, in a calm and pleasant environment, for the birth of another member of your family.

Thank you for your preference.

  • The Maternity Service is endowed with excellent human, physical and technological resources;
  • It’s medical teams of obstetricians, neonatologists and anaesthesiologists are recognized for their competence and experience;
  • The nursing staff have specialized in the care of pregnant women and new-born infants. 

In-Patient Unit 

Private suites and rooms all with private bathroom, totally equipped, with excellent conditions of privacy and security, to guarantee a quality reception for the pregnant woman, the couple, and the baby.

A family member may remain with the future mother at all times including at night, as there are accommodation conditions for a family member.

The rooms have excellent hotel conditions, with TV and Internet.


Labour can take place in a calm environment in the room or suite. The pregnant woman may if she so wishes, have a companion with her during this phase.  She may also choose to have epidural anaesthesia.

The Delivery Room is located in the Maternity, to provide all means of assistance to both mother and new-born infant. The baby is observed by the Paediatrician when it is born and will always remain in visual contact with the parents.

In the case of a caesarean section birth, the companion may remain with the mother in the Operating Theatre during surgery and the baby’s birth.

During the hospitalization period, the mother and new-born infant  will always be assisted by nurses who are specialists in Maternal and Obstetric Health, who will help, support and guide the couple in their new role as Parents.


Considering your child’s safety, the Maternity Unit is equipped with various safety systems including the electronic bracelet for the baby. This Unit has a controlled access system requiring identification of visitors as well as a video surveillance system.

Once discharged from the Maternity all our babies, are covered by the Alta Segura Project.  To guarantee maximum safety when transporting the new-born infant, The restraint system of the baby’s transport chair is checked and correctly placed inside the vehicle, 

For further information on “Alta Segura”


The Maternity Unit offers postpartum Support when necessary. Before making your way to the Unit contact our 24H Help Line ”Linha Mamas 24H”. 

Maternity Emergency Line 24H - 289 830 040


If necessary, you can make your way to our Unit or contact our Maternity Services Help Line 24/7:

Maternity Emergency Line 24H - 289 830 040

Preparation for Childbirth

The Maternity also offers Pre-Natal Training, which includes classes in preparation for childbirth and pelvic floor rehabilitation.  Throughout this important period in a woman’s life, expert clarification is given related to Pregnancy and Maternity.

The Classes are divided in 3 Modules:
  • Preparation for Childbirth;
  • Baby Massage;
  • Post-Partum Recuperation.

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